Saturday, May 4, 2019

Song or Confession?

A recent rapper named YNW Melly has blown up in media with the past year.  His hit song, "Murder on my Mind" currently has hundreds of millions of plays on various music platforms and media.  The song got popular during the start of 2019, attracting people from all across the world, and describes how to rapper shot one of his best friends in detail.

In media and music, rappers especially like to brag about their guns and how many people they've "killed" but nobody really takes it them seriously as it is just a song.  Melly however, describes in vivid and disturbing detail how this supposed "murder" went down.  He is currently in police custody after turning himself in for murder.  It turns out that Melly's confession directly correlated with the song.  He was already under investigation after the song released due to the detail the song had, and now he could be facing the death penalty for the premeditated murder of best friend.

I personally question Melly's decision to confess to murder and post it on media across the world.  The song is melodic and has a great sound, but if I killed someone the last thing I would do is confess and post it for everyone to listen to.  I think that the rapper turned himself in for the fame, but once he realized he could be facing the death penalty he instantly regretted his decision, because now he is denying that he murdered anyone, even after turning himself in.  It is just such a strange situation and shows how much media can spread a message world wide.  What bothers me is that Melly actually had a great singing voice, unlike most rappers in the industry these days and he had so much potential, but regardless he is still a murderer and deserves whatever punishment comes for his reckless actions.  I still listen to his music because I was a big fan of him, even before the murder allegations, but now my views on him have changed and listening to the music is so much different knowing that he is a murderer.


  1. I think this is a really interesting topic. It is crazy to see how much his music sales went up after coming out as a murderer. I had heard the song maybe once before he turned himself in, but then went out and searched for it, being interested in listening only after his convition. I wonder if he wrote the song partly out of guilt, almost as if he wanted to be punished in order to clear his conscious. This article was pretty quirky, and kinda edgy.

  2. I personally don't think the conviction and the song will be related because cops can't use art as confession which is why nobody gets busted for doing hard drugs in music videos. But you posed a really good question, and given that I wonder why he would release a song that goes into such graphic detail like that one without being more scared he would get caught. I think the detail could've been part of the appeal
