Sunday, April 14, 2019

News Storm (CNN and FOX)

Words are extremely important and have the ability to change the entire meaning of a statement.  Words choice is crucial when trying to covey a message, and in politics, many attempt to use different words with either positive or negative connotations to fit their own political agendas.

Take Trump for example.  Trump is an extremely controversial man when it comes to politics and on both sides of the argument, people are using word choice to portray different messages.  When you look at an article about Trump written by CNN (a primarily liberal news source) you will see that they use words to criminalize Trump or make him sound like a villain.  In this specific article, they use the word "pressured", which has negative connotations, to make Trump sound like some sort of villain or criminal.  We see this a lot in political media now a days and it applies to the conservative side as well.

When you read about Trump in Fox News (a primarily conservative news source) you will see that the word choice when describing president Trump is much different.

In an article about Trump and the controversy over sending detained immigrants into sanctuary cities, Fox News repeatedly made the opposing side sound unintelligent or dumb, while they never insult Trump's decisions and make him sound like the logical person in the situation.

The headline of this article, written by Fox, is meant to make the Anti-Trump side seem unintelligent or irrational.  It say "Anti-Trump Oakland Mayor Insists She Did The Right Thing In Tipping Off Illegal Immigrants About The Ice Raid" The  words "tipping off illegal immigrants" have negative connotations and are used in order to make the opposing side sound stupid or dumb.  Also the use of "insists she did the right thing" is used to show how the anti-Trump side is unintelligent and thinks their so-called wrong doings (tipping off illegal immigrants) are actually right.

Tune in next Wednesday for more on Aidan's Kitchen!

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