Sunday, April 21, 2019


In this modern world, you can’t go anywhere without the appearance of advertisement. You could be walking down the street and a bus drives by promoting the newest McDonald’s in your neighborhood. Advertisements appear a ton in the media now a days. I feel this is because companies know what people spend the most time doing, which is being on their phones and going on social media. Especially the teenagers. I know  that I spend hours a day on media with ads constantly popping up. Companies will target certain websites or social media’s in order to find an audience who will respond the best to their advertisement. The reason that ads appear so much in media is because companies want to reach out to the most people possible, and since media is used by millions, companies pay money to promote their product through these outlets.

From personal experience, I know that ads appear through Snapchat, Instagram and even Spotify. These social media outlets are paid by the companies to promote a certain product and it is how many of them are able to make money, despite the app or account being free to create or download. Instagram has sponsored pictures and messages that will appear randomly in people’s feeds, Snapchat has sponsored stories that pop up and promote products, and Spotify has ads that play every half an hour which also promote products and encourage people to buy their premium account in order to get rid of the ads. As you can see, these ads are just ways people are trying to make money, and within media these ads target specific groups of people in order to attract the max amount of buyers for the product being sold.

Advertisement is everywhere, especially in media, and it is how people make money and promote their products.  Media is the perfect environment for ads, not only because billions of people use it every day, but also because it helps the companies to target specific groups of people who would want the specific product.  Say there is a website that sells books.  A company that sells digital books or another form of literature would advertise on that website because people looking for books are the ideal audience and are going to be the people seeing the ad.  There are also cookies that companies use.  Cookies analyze the users history and send that users ads that would interest them based on the things they have looked up in the past.

Tune in next week for the newest story on Aidan’s Kitchen!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your claim about how ads are everywhere nowadays. We as humans are starting to switch to a digital lifestyle and companies are seizing that opportunity to get a hold of our minds. I also experience a lot of time going through multiple ads throughout a video on YouTube. It feels like they are everywhere and that there is no way to avoid them unless you aren't going out into the world. Also, thank you for letting me know what cookies were. I had no idea what they were before I read your post.
